When I got home, I bathed, dressed and tucked in the twins and when I left their room I walked into Bug's room like I always do and stopped...his bed was empty and his B was GONE!!! OMG...I just about cried.
I called him at 8 to see how it was going - his normal bedtime is 7:30 so I was hoping he was on his way to lights out...NOPE, they were going to watch a movie. Uh, it's 8 and he needs 11 hours to function - this is what I'm thinking. "Well, I miss you." Bug's response "Yep, can I go now?" I retort "I LOVE YOU, I MISS YOU." "I'll see you tomorrow." Click and dial tone...UHG. I tell Daddy that he's fine and we go to bed too.
So, this morning at 10:15 he returned. I was so THRILLED! I wanted to hear all about his big night away from home. Unfortuantly, what was returned to me was a little boy who had less than 4 hours of sleep and was a mess - I got 1 word answers and "I'm going to my room to unpack my stuff and play my new DS game that R's Mom bought me." It was like a 16 year old was talking to me. I asked him to take a shower while he was up there and the tears started flowin'.
I left to go shopping with H for a few hours and evidentally, while I was away, Bug took a nap on the couch...
Oh yeah, he's still my little Bug.